
Academic Camps. Leadership camps for the youth including Maths,English and life skills.
Service Learning and Leadership Programs. ESLA program
ELSA Experience: Weekend excursions and 3-day safari to Masai Mara
E- Reader program.E-reader tablets in an effort to improve English literacy and foster a culture of reading among students
E-reader tablets in an effort to improve English literacy and foster a culture of reading among students
ENGLISH ACCESS PROGRAM: English Access Program Course for high-school students who demonstrate a strong command of the English language and show significant leadership potential.
Scholarships for Needy and Gifted Students
Professional Development for Teachers through seminars and trainings held in Districts across Western Kenya.
Single Teenage mothers camps
Resource and ICT Development for Schools
ELSA Experience: Weekend excursions and 3-day safari to Masai Mara
lenjerie intima bumbac

Resource and ICT Development for Schools

A program that partners with local schools and communities to build computer labs, e-reader libraries, and mobile resource centers for schools.

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Scholarships for Needy and Gifted Students

fp scholar

A unique scholarship program that matches local community support with international sponsors to assist talented high school students from low-income families to attend quality secondary schools in the Western Kenya region.

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Service Learning and Leadership Programs

fp sl

A residential training program for schools and churches interested in service learning, sustainable community development, community organizing, and global partnerships.

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Camps for Academic and Life Skills Development

fp ac

Strengthening the academic skills and performance of local students by providing additional English and Math training during school breaks.

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A tour of a Kenyan High school (Moding)

Elewana Education Project Amagoro show.

High school visit with Elewana (ESLA) Programme

Scholarship Award Ceremony

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Contact the Elewana Education Project using the phone number or email address below:

  • In the USA: +1 (304) 707-5499
  • In Kenya: +254 712638948, +254 710 102 536
  • In Elewana Office Amagoro Kenya: +254 718011889

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